2021 - 2022
Student Leaders

Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU:
Molly (she/her), Degree: Business Administration: Human Resources Management, Senior
✨Why did you join?
-Because I wanted to meet other students who had a similar passion to me, and also because I wanted make connections in the business world.
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
-The camaraderie between the entire group as a whole, I feel supported by my fellow members in so many different aspects!
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
-Paddle boarding on the beautiful lakes and rivers of Oregon.

Kaylee Brunette | Vice President of Marketing & Visibility
Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU: She/Her, Degree: Business Administration Double Major Human Resources Management | Management & Leadership, Senior
✨ Why did you join PSU's HRMA?
- I’m an HR major and wanted to get to know fellow HR students and faculty. This is my second year and I love the internship stories from other members.
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
- I’ve met many incredibly talented local human resource professionals in this organization. Recently I was invited to the PHRMA Strategic Management Conference, and I got in free as a student. Tons of networking events you can get into free or reduced costs with PSU HRMA student connections!
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
-multi-day backpacking trips and traveling!

Noah Clark | Vice President of Programs
Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU: Noah Clark (he/him), Degree: Business Administration Double Major Human Resources Management | Management & Leadership, senior
✨ Why did you join PSU's HRMA?
-It was a fantastic way to learn about HR in a real-world context and helped me discover what I wanted to do after graduating.
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
-The organization allowed me to work with some amazingly driven great people and contribute to the Portland State community in a meaningful way.
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
-Studying, watching, and collecting films from various decades and countries. Analyzing films and learning about the history of cinema is a peaceful and entertaining way to end a productive day and discover more about myself and the world around me by studying the most significant filmmakers and films from around the world.

Shelbey Colt | Director of Information Systems
Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU: She/Her, Degree: Business Administration Double Major Human Resources Management | Management & Leadership, Junior.
✨ Why did you join PSU's HRMA?
-I wanted to make sure that I was choosing the right career path— now I’m sure that I am!
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
- I love hearing the different perspectives that each guest speaker brings to our team. Hearing about the industry from them has been the most valuable learning experience!
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
-I love to bake! It’s so satisfying to make a tasty treat from scratch that other people can enjoy.

Janet Bedolla-Salinas | Chapter Treasurer
Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU: She/Her, Major: HR Management, minor in Spanish, Senior year.
✨ Why did you join PSU's HRMA?
-I wanted to learn more about the HR field from guest speakers and build my skill set by contributing to the team.
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
-I enjoy listening to other students' ideas and goals related to expanding HRMA. Everyone is friendly here too, so it's fun to be involved with this club!
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
-Going on walks and taking pictures, while admiring nature.

Sheena Burch | Secretary
Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU: He/Him/His, BS in Public Health: health services administration, Senior Year
✨ Why did you join PSU's HRMA?
-I joined PSU HRMA because I had an interest in how to help healthcare employees be more productive while still having a work-life balance and job satisfaction.
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
-The positive environment around learning and growth is something I enjoy being around. I also enjoy meeting new friends who are just as excited about professional development.
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
-Traveling, bowling.

Rachelle Diaz-Boyas | Vice President of Fundraising
Preferred name, pronouns, degree, year at PSU: She/Her, Degree: Business Administration: Human Resources and Management, Senior
✨ Why did you join PSU's HRMA?
- I joined so I could make connections and also learn more from my peers and use my resources
✨ What do you enjoy about the club?
- I enjoy listening to others' ideas and learning from others' experiences from internships, classes and making friendships.
✨ What is your favorite hobby?
- Favorite hobby is going to the gym